Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Lately I've been chasing butterflies
Because no matter how far they want to go
Life allows them only a limited time
But they flutter, happily
Not concerned about where the journey ends.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Monday, August 19, 2013
Another sketch- from reference.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Ripped Out, Ripped Apart.
Ponder. What life seamlessly has become, from what it was to what it is.
A beautiful flower, blooming, pull it out because it's a joyful sight. Rip it from its roots, look what I found ma, a rose. Come on, ma, lets put it in a vase.
Put the rose in a vase, where it will look wonderful, show the world.
But wait, whats happening? The ends are wilting, ma. Look Pa, the petals are falling off. The water is clean, the vase is beautiful, but the rose no longer holds its head up high.
The twisted truth, the irony of life. That rose is slowly wilting.
The petals are falling off.
Breath faster.
Speak louder.
You're alive.
You are alive.
Convince yourself that are alive.
While your pulse slows down,
and your body grows colder.
You're alive.
Look Pa, the petals are falling off.
Look at me now.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Friday, July 5, 2013
The Magical World OF Harry Potter
I grew up lost, a lost child in a large world. How to make a name or myself, how to create an identity, was not on my mind and might not have been until it was too late.
When I found Harry Potter I was transferred to a mystical, magical world. Everything was better than real life, it paved way for my dreams. I began looking at small things differently, from a 'muggle' point of view.
I learned to anticipate, I learned to read between the lines and I learned the meaning of foreshadowing.
'What If' became part of my daily thoughts. I began envisioning different scenario's, different situations and coming up with my own stories.
As the books continued to be a major part of my life, my focus shifted to the details. Grammar, vocabulary and the play on words used by J.K Rowling started to fascinate me. I tried to write like her and learning her style and language. I wanted to use bigger words, in more clever ways. I wanted to broaden my imagination and find myself in a world that was a far throw away from reality.
I grew older, and the books grew with me. I was barely 10 when I was drawn into the magical world, and then within no time I was 16, on the brink of growing up and making my decisions. I was the girl being thrown into adulthood. Choices, decisions, directions, all began to torment me. Responsibility became my burden.
So far the only valuable things I had learned in life came from a series of 7 books and I wasn't leaving that behind.
At 16, I had written my own novel of about 900 pages, had my own blog and wrote articles for many websites. Writing became a major part of my life. What I didn't realize till years later, was that I was actually good. With each Harry Potter book, I got better till my writing became something worth reading.
Incorporated in everything and every part of my life was the magical world of Harry Potter. There was always something mysterious, something unknown to reveal. I learned that even life had parts where you had to read between lines, where foreshadowing was prevalent, and most of all, I learned that you can't always get an answer to every question.
Over the years I met many people, I lost many friends, left a lot behind, but these books thought me that it was okay to miss someone, and that everyone deals with loss in life.
At the end of it all, it may have just been a book to some, but it's real for me.
It's real because it is me, it is my identity, it has made me what I am today...
Thursday, July 4, 2013
My Top 10 Cartoons List
Childhood memories are defined by simple things like the smell of wet grass or a simple soundtrack. What usually reminds me of those older days are cartoons. Do you remember waking up early morning on a weekend, turning on the television and watching completely meaningless cartoons?
Back then cartoons were very different from today, they were much simpler and involved much less gadgets,monsters or any of that, so here's a list of my favourite Cartoons from back in the day.
10) Two Stupid Dogs

I never really understood why I loved this show so much, Little Dog and Big Dog would do the most meaningless things, like chase ice cream around in outer space and trying to fool a cat using a hand puppet! It's where I learned the phrase "Tastes Like Caca!" And yes I used it quite a lot :( Needless to say, my parents didn't find this show very educational! But who cares?
9) Captain Planet and the Planeteers

Definitely one of the most environmental friendly cartoons created! This show was my first lesson in Saving The Earth! It all started when Gaia the spirit of the Earth called upon five teens (yeah TEENS) to protect the planet! Each teen with one element based power and when their powers combined it summoned the Earths Champion, Captain Planet! I'd sing along with the song and pretend I was one of the Planeteers running around and saving insects and trying to grow seeds! Plus, I always had a tiny crush on the youngest South American kid.
8) The Addams Family

This show, in my opinion, had one of the best theme songs ever and I just LOVED Lurch. They were the oddest family ever, but then again almost everyone has issues with their family and the Addams Family in some way were so normal yet so weird. They lived peculiar lifestyles , yet the husband and wife loved each other, the kids fought like siblings and they were protective of their family members ! Things were unexpected, funny and unique... the Addams Family used to be on telly in the evenings when I was younger. It certainly kept me entertained and got me into a lot of trouble for forgetting to do my homework!
7) The Jetsons

A glimpse into the future! I loved it, and everything about it, like the quirky not-yet-invented gadgets and innovative ideas. I'll bet the creators of Flat Screen Tv's were inspired by the Jetsons! The family was considerably normal but the world they were living in was not. It was what everyone expected of the future. A over developed world, flying cars and robot servants! Thanks to the show I'd grumble about my bicycle not having wings and my food not being served by a super cool Robot named Rosy!
6) Tom & Jerry

If theres one pair of cartoon characters that is almost impossible to outgrow, its this cat and mouse duo. The concept is simple; Cat see's mouse, cat chases mouse, mouse tries to outwit cat!
What truly makes this show priceless is the expressions on each characters face at random moments! Spike, Tom and Jerry were always entertaining and never got old! I can see kids in the next 50 years still turning on the television to watch the cat and mouse that I grew to love so much!
5) Dexter's Laboratory

Definitely the more nerdier of cartoon's, Dexter the child genius was one of the best shows on tv. In between hiding his "secret lab", his interfering sister Deedee and school troubles was a lot of laughs, great writing and fun moments! Dexter has had a lot of positive and negative influence on me since childhood. It got me interested in "Science", taught me how to annoy people (Thanks Deedee!) and how to do the mad scientist laugh (Yes I loved Mandark!)
4) Top Cat

Recently, while revisiting all my old favourite cartoons on YouTube, I came across Top Cat and ended up watching all the episodes again. When I was younger this show used to be on late at night, way after 12 and I used to be up just so that I wouldn't miss it! Top Cat and the Gang were a bunch of cats living in an alley getting into all sorts of trouble trying to make some cash! Choo-choo, one of Top Cat's gang members still leaves me in doubt. A male with a feminine voice and pink colour fur would make you wonder... wouldn't it?
3) The Flintstones

Flintstones is similar to the Jetsons yet exactly the opposite. It teaches you a lesson in history. Each character from Fred Flintstone to Pebbles and Bam-bam was unique and special. As a child, the Flintstones always seemed intended for slightly older audiences and watching it made me feel very grown up! I can still watch Flintstones for hours without getting bored and that is the beauty of it!
2) Wacky Races

I was 6 and I was in love. Wacky Races was my life! I'd wake up everyday at 6:00 am , turn on the tv and wait for Wacky Races to begin. No matter how sleepy I was, I'd fight the demon of sleep, struggle to open my eyes only for this show. Now, I still couldn't point out exactly what was so great about it . As the name tells you its about a race to win the title of the Worlds Wackiest Racer! My favourite characters were Muttley and Dick Dastardly from "Catch That Pigeon". Till date this show still gets me as excited as it did when I was a kid
& Finally my FAVOURITE cartoon ever!
1) Scooby Doo!

Any doubts? Scooby doo was definitely the best show on television during my younger days! It had everything, a funny dog, a nerdy girl, a spoilt brat and a handsome man! Then of course there was Shaggy, the shows funny bone! It had its creepy moments and times where you couldn't stop laughing, it taught you that everything looks scary until you face your fears and realise you were scared of nothing. Most of all it kept you entertained and hooked for hours!
Scooby Doo was what made my childhood days even more special and I can still watch the show and feel like an 8 year old all over again!

Back then cartoons were very different from today, they were much simpler and involved much less gadgets,monsters or any of that, so here's a list of my favourite Cartoons from back in the day.
10) Two Stupid Dogs

I never really understood why I loved this show so much, Little Dog and Big Dog would do the most meaningless things, like chase ice cream around in outer space and trying to fool a cat using a hand puppet! It's where I learned the phrase "Tastes Like Caca!" And yes I used it quite a lot :( Needless to say, my parents didn't find this show very educational! But who cares?
9) Captain Planet and the Planeteers

Definitely one of the most environmental friendly cartoons created! This show was my first lesson in Saving The Earth! It all started when Gaia the spirit of the Earth called upon five teens (yeah TEENS) to protect the planet! Each teen with one element based power and when their powers combined it summoned the Earths Champion, Captain Planet! I'd sing along with the song and pretend I was one of the Planeteers running around and saving insects and trying to grow seeds! Plus, I always had a tiny crush on the youngest South American kid.
8) The Addams Family

This show, in my opinion, had one of the best theme songs ever and I just LOVED Lurch. They were the oddest family ever, but then again almost everyone has issues with their family and the Addams Family in some way were so normal yet so weird. They lived peculiar lifestyles , yet the husband and wife loved each other, the kids fought like siblings and they were protective of their family members ! Things were unexpected, funny and unique... the Addams Family used to be on telly in the evenings when I was younger. It certainly kept me entertained and got me into a lot of trouble for forgetting to do my homework!
7) The Jetsons

A glimpse into the future! I loved it, and everything about it, like the quirky not-yet-invented gadgets and innovative ideas. I'll bet the creators of Flat Screen Tv's were inspired by the Jetsons! The family was considerably normal but the world they were living in was not. It was what everyone expected of the future. A over developed world, flying cars and robot servants! Thanks to the show I'd grumble about my bicycle not having wings and my food not being served by a super cool Robot named Rosy!
6) Tom & Jerry

If theres one pair of cartoon characters that is almost impossible to outgrow, its this cat and mouse duo. The concept is simple; Cat see's mouse, cat chases mouse, mouse tries to outwit cat!
What truly makes this show priceless is the expressions on each characters face at random moments! Spike, Tom and Jerry were always entertaining and never got old! I can see kids in the next 50 years still turning on the television to watch the cat and mouse that I grew to love so much!
5) Dexter's Laboratory

Definitely the more nerdier of cartoon's, Dexter the child genius was one of the best shows on tv. In between hiding his "secret lab", his interfering sister Deedee and school troubles was a lot of laughs, great writing and fun moments! Dexter has had a lot of positive and negative influence on me since childhood. It got me interested in "Science", taught me how to annoy people (Thanks Deedee!) and how to do the mad scientist laugh (Yes I loved Mandark!)
4) Top Cat
Recently, while revisiting all my old favourite cartoons on YouTube, I came across Top Cat and ended up watching all the episodes again. When I was younger this show used to be on late at night, way after 12 and I used to be up just so that I wouldn't miss it! Top Cat and the Gang were a bunch of cats living in an alley getting into all sorts of trouble trying to make some cash! Choo-choo, one of Top Cat's gang members still leaves me in doubt. A male with a feminine voice and pink colour fur would make you wonder... wouldn't it?
3) The Flintstones
Flintstones is similar to the Jetsons yet exactly the opposite. It teaches you a lesson in history. Each character from Fred Flintstone to Pebbles and Bam-bam was unique and special. As a child, the Flintstones always seemed intended for slightly older audiences and watching it made me feel very grown up! I can still watch Flintstones for hours without getting bored and that is the beauty of it!
2) Wacky Races

I was 6 and I was in love. Wacky Races was my life! I'd wake up everyday at 6:00 am , turn on the tv and wait for Wacky Races to begin. No matter how sleepy I was, I'd fight the demon of sleep, struggle to open my eyes only for this show. Now, I still couldn't point out exactly what was so great about it . As the name tells you its about a race to win the title of the Worlds Wackiest Racer! My favourite characters were Muttley and Dick Dastardly from "Catch That Pigeon". Till date this show still gets me as excited as it did when I was a kid
& Finally my FAVOURITE cartoon ever!
1) Scooby Doo!

Any doubts? Scooby doo was definitely the best show on television during my younger days! It had everything, a funny dog, a nerdy girl, a spoilt brat and a handsome man! Then of course there was Shaggy, the shows funny bone! It had its creepy moments and times where you couldn't stop laughing, it taught you that everything looks scary until you face your fears and realise you were scared of nothing. Most of all it kept you entertained and hooked for hours!
Scooby Doo was what made my childhood days even more special and I can still watch the show and feel like an 8 year old all over again!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Customized Guitar- Influenced by Avril Lavigne.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Sheldon Cooper Poster- From Reference.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
New re-worked on paintings/pencil sketch
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Friday, June 7, 2013
Monday, May 6, 2013
Monday, April 15, 2013
Remember Who You Are.
Life as it is today.
You were the one that beat the odds.
You were the one assumed to fail
The dreamer
The one who had her head in the clouds.
Remember today
Because they said it would never happen
They said you'd never be happy
Remember today
Remember the day the "dreamer"
made her dreams come true
and remember all those proved wrong
Remember today
I hope you all are reading this.
Today, I became the one person
You believed I'd never be.
No, I did not fail.
~Graduation 2013
Monday, March 18, 2013
Homeless Talk
Do not make the mistake of not watching this video. Brilliant job by Sam Pepper.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Ballerina Rose {From reference}
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Watercolours (From Reference)...
Monday, February 11, 2013
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